Thursday, March 21, 2013

To All Of My Friends And Pre-friends...

I keep getting sick.  I'm so sorry I have been out of touch.  I still think about you and care about you.  Please don't forget me!

And a huge thank you to those of you who have helped Don and me literally live through the latest financial crisis.  We are still in a lot of trouble but without generous help Don would probably be without water and electricity and not have much healthy food, and I would be in the hospital.

Am also so grateful for the prayers, good thoughts, kind words.  I am blessed to have you in my life!  I am very lucky!!!

About Me

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I've travelled the distance from an Ivy League college to decades of enforced poverty--because I've needed to qualify for government health care in the U.S., since being diagnosed with lupus at the age of 23. I have a personal blog at that I've had so long I'm probably stuck with :) My other blogs are here on blogger...